Delivering customer-led growth through CX, Digital, Marketing and Data

Recipient of 2 Cannes Lions | Striving for a trifecta

My Services

Flexibility and specialized expertise to get your teams up and running faster.

Customer Experience

Aligning your corporate, business, and technology objectives to enhance CX.

Digital Transformation

Leveraging digital to enhance your processes, culture, and technology.


Understanding needs to create value, and attract and retain customers.

Data & Analytics

Connecting data and analytics to your business strategy - AI, ML and more.

About Alicia


I founded ak arnold as a sole proprietor to address the convergence of Customer Experience, Digital, Marketing, and Data. With 20-years of global agency and consulting experience, I’ve worked with Fortune 500 companies across Insurance, Financial Services, Healthcare, and Retail to drive transformation programs, create award winning campaigns, deploy marketing technology, and help organizations adapt to an ever changing and complex environment.

Contact: [email protected]